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"Life is purposeless. Don't be shocked. The whole idea of purpose is wrong – it comes out of greed.

"Life is a sheer joy, a playfulness, a fun, a laughter, for no purpose at all. Life is its own end, it has no other end. The moment you understand it, you have understood what meditation is all about. It is living your life joyously, playfully, totally, and with no purpose at the end, with no purpose in view, no purpose there at all. Just like small children playing on the sea beach, collecting seashells and colored stones – for what purpose?

"There is no purpose at all."

Osho, Zen: Zest Zip Zap and Zing, Talk #11




我們身為塔羅占卜師,需要為自己的解說負責,該說則說,不該說的絕不會畫蛇添足。 生活是最好的修行道場,就像是Pokémon Gym一樣,要到處和不同的玩家切磋才有進步。 Rachel大部分時間都在自修狀態,自修得耐,係時候共修喇!近半年不斷進修,挑戰自己,最近開始學習當義工服...


今日滂沱大雨 行雷又閃電 我叻叻 出門已穿好雨鞋直傘 一手撐傘一手拿環保袋 快要走到馬路燈位時 有位女孩竟然沒帶傘 相手抱頭淋雨等綠燈 我即時走快兩步問她要去哪 但和我不同路 我正猶豫如何幫她時 前面一架寶馬男司機停在斑馬綫前 「靚女拎去啦!」 遞上一把摺傘...


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